What: 6.2 Mile hike and picnic hike is moderate hike; 800-1000 foot elevation change. Windy road to trail-head.
When: Saturday Jan. 26th – 9:30 AM
WHERE: We'll meet at 9:30AM at the Woodside Park-n-Ride (to make sandwiches) leave there at 10AM to head up to the trail head parking lot just beyond Skeggs Point parking lot on Skyline by 10:30 AM. (tricky to find, so carpool from the park-n-ride) Skeggs Point is on Skyline between Kings Mountain Rd. and 85)
Bring: Sack Lunch, Rain Coat, Walking shoes, light jacket, water and a backpack.
Questions? Contact Christian (408) 431-4282
or by email Christian@cjmillerengineering.com
Directions to the Park-n-Ride: