Come Celebrate 2008, and Welcome in 2009! Join Impact for a New Year's Eve filled with dinner, games, prizes, dancing, sharing and music. Bring a party hat, a friend and $10.
Contacts: Simona Poptelecan 408-667-3331 or http:/// or Pat Duffek 408.221.2902 pat@ballooncreations.com
Please remember to RSVP by Monday evening the 29th, if you have not done so yet. We'll be shopping on the 30th for food and such.
We could use some help in the following areas:
Food: please contact Alisa Dietz (alisadietz@yahoo.com)
Set-up/Clean-up: please contact (me) Simona Poptelecan (simonapoptelecan@hotmail.com)
Pictures: please email them to Steve Rose (steverose20@yahoo.com)
Lastly, the tentative schedule for the evening is:
6:30 P.M. Doors open
7:00 P.M. Appetizers
8:00 P.M. Dinner
9:00 P.M. Games, etc.
11:00 P.M. Sharing
12:00 P.M. Happy New Year!
12:30 P.M. Clean-up Begins