Impact Photo Safari - Kurt K.
Enjoy photography? Willing to work setting up a great shot? Willing to leave the trail/get more than a 100 yds from the car/put your camera at risk? Kurt Konegen is getting a small group together for a day trip to Point Reyes on the 28th of June to do some fun (and occasionally great) outdoor photography. Last trip involved tule elk, fallow deer, all sorts of birds, a very camera shy bobcat, some unusual scenic shots, and a mind-blowing sunset.
Itinerary will be flexible, depend a great deal on the weather and will probably change a few times though the course of the day. That being said, it will be a full day meeting in Burlingame at ~7:30, brown-bag lunch on the trail or beach, dinner in Inverness or Olema, and staying in the park until after sunset getting back to the Peninsula late (after 10:30). Options involve a half-day of kayaking (depending on availability of boats in Inverness), hiking along the Inverness ridge, exploring beaches, and tidepooling. If we are very, VERY, lucky, there may be some stargazing. A small dinner party will be held two or three weeks afterwards to review pictures and exchange electronic copies depending on the participants' schedules.
As a word of caution, the day will be long and will involve a lot of walking and/or kayaking. You don't need to be in great shape, but you will be moving most of the day once we get to the park with only a few short car trips from one location to the next. In order to keep the group managable and small enough to get within a 1000 yards of wildlife, the trip will be limited to three cars (12 people or less). Finally, for all you folks who refuse to give up film (represent!), you will be responsible for your own processing costs.
Contact Kurt directly at