Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Friday Night Potluck- November 21st

What? You are invited to a potluck at Arnisha's!

When? Friday, Nov. 21 at 7:00 PM

Where? Arnisha Wurlitzer's
1046 Laguna Ave., Burlingame
CA 94010-3624

Carmelita and Sanchez are cross streets and Broadway exit off 101 is the closest exit

If you need to find extra parking areas: Caltrain Broadway station on California and Carmelita is just 2 blocks from my place.

What to Bring?
Going by Last Name:
A - F vegetables or salad
G - M bottled water or drinks
N - Q fruit or dessert
R - Z main or side dish

Questions? Send an email or call Arnisha:
(650) 269-8266