Dinner for 8 is a great way to meet old and new friends during a lovely meal at Adah's quaint cottage in Mountain View. She will create a fanstastic ambience and a ludicrously delicious three course meal.
Place: 632 Chiquita Avenue, Cottage 2, Mountain View, Ca 94041
Price:$25 per head
Time: 7pm Spaces are limited so RSVP asap.
Sign Up
Choose which date you would like to attend from the schedule below and sign up by emailing Mark
email: markhk1@yahoo.com
Available Dates and Themes from Adah's World Travels:
Fri Oct 16, 7pm: Thailand
(4 Ladies and 4 Gentlemen are invited)
Fri Nov 13, 7pm: England
(4 Ladies and 4 Gentlemen are invited)
Fri Dec 4, 7pm: Singapore
(4 Ladies and 4 Gentlemen are invited)