Saturday, December 27, 2008

Impact New Year's Eve Party - Dec. 31st

Come Celebrate 2008, and Welcome in 2009! Join Impact for a New Year's Eve filled with dinner, games, prizes, dancing, sharing and music. Bring a party hat, a friend and $10.

Contacts: Simona Poptelecan 408-667-3331 or http:/// or Pat Duffek 408.221.2902

Please RSVP by visiting this link.

Please remember to RSVP by Monday evening the 29th, if you have not done so yet. We'll be shopping on the 30th for food and such.

We could use some help in the following areas:

Food: please contact Alisa Dietz (

Set-up/Clean-up: please contact (me) Simona Poptelecan (

Pictures: please email them to Steve Rose (

Lastly, the tentative schedule for the evening is:

6:30 P.M. Doors open
7:00 P.M. Appetizers
8:00 P.M. Dinner
9:00 P.M. Games, etc.
11:00 P.M. Sharing
12:00 P.M. Happy New Year!
12:30 P.M. Clean-up Begins

Monday, December 22, 2008

Potluck Dinner and Movie night on Christmas Eve

Host: Howard

What? Potluck Dinner and Movie night on Christmas Eve (24th) at 6:30 PM.
We will watch the classic comedy movie "A Christmas Story" that is about a boy named Ralphie and his family who grew up in the 1940's.

Where? Howard's house
1348 Via De Los Reyes, San Jose (near Meridian and Redmond Ave).

Bring an item that you can share according to your first name:

A – H main or side dish
I – R vegetables or salad
S – Z appetizer or dessert

Phone: 408 398-3303

"Joy to the World, the Lord Has Come" Musical - Dec. 24th

Host: Philip Chow

What? You are all invited to the "Joy to the World, the Lord Has Come" Musical, which is dramatic portrayal of the traditional Christmas Nativity story, with a fresh retelling of the birth of Christ. The beautiful Nativity scene, set in the stable with all of the main characters worshipping the Christ Child in the manger, is full of beauty and power, and will remind the audience of where joy can indeed be found.

Further details about the musical can be found here

When? Wednesday, December 24th:

When: Dinner @ 6:30 China Garden Restaurant (RSVP)
Show: 9:00PM (show up by 8 for the best seats)


China Garden Restaurant: 22253 Redwood Rd. (between Grove Way and Lessley Avenue) Castro Valley, CA 94546

Location: Neighborhood Church
20600 John Dr.
Castro Valley, CA 94546 US

: 415-756-4449

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Impact New Year's Eve Party - December 31st

Come Celebrate 2008, and Welcome in 2009! Join Impact for a New Year's Eve filled with dinner, games, prizes, dancing, sharing and music. Bring a party hat, a friend and $10.

Contacts: Simona Poptelecan 408-667-3331 or or Pat Duffek 408.221.2902

Please RSVP by visiting this link.

Please remember to RSVP by Monday evening the 29th, if you have not done so yet. We'll be shopping on the 30th for food and such.

We could use some help in the following areas:

Food: please contact Alisa Dietz (

Set-up/Clean-up: please contact (me) Simona Poptelecan (

Pictures: please email them to Steve Rose (

Lastly, the tentative schedule for the evening is:

6:30 P.M. Doors open
7:00 P.M. Appetizers
8:00 P.M. Dinner
9:00 P.M. Games, etc.
11:00 P.M. Sharing
12:00 P.M. Happy New Year!
12:30 P.M. Clean-up Begins

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Homeless Outreach - December 20th

You are invited to participate in the next homeless outreach with Grant Kim. We will meet at Page Mill Road at 5:30 and together travel up to Haight Street in San Francisco.

For this outreach we'll participate in an outdoor worship event and hand out food and clothing. If you'd like to donate new socks or a sleeping bag that would be great!

What? Homeless Outreach

When? Saturday December 20th at 5:30 pm.

Where? Meet at the commuter parking lot at the intersection of 280 and Page Mill Rd. in Palo Alto. The parking lot is right next to 280. If coming from the south, exit at Page Mill Rd. and turn left. Go under the bridge: parking lot is on your left.

We will drive as a group to Haight Street in San Francisco.

Questions: Call Grant Kim 650-520-0879.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Dancing in December - Dec. 20th

KC Lim and Michelle Brown:

Ready to Dance?!

Help out a good cause and celebrate the holidays with a foot stomping, toe
tapping, fun night of swing dancing and music at:

THE RHYTHM LOUNGE - A Jumpin' and Jivin' Swing Dance Party
LOCATION: The Imperial Ballroom at 822 Cassia Street, Redwood City, CA (a
few blocks from the restaurants and theatres of downtown).

DRESS: Feel free to dress to impress (a fancy prize to the person who comes
looking the sharpest!)

WHEN: Saturday, December 20th, starting at 7PM.

There are classes before the dance, or just come straight to the dance.
7:00 - 8:00 - Beginner/Intermediate - Classic Lindy Moves You Really Should Know
7:00 - 8:00 - Intermediate Balboa - w/ Todd & Kelly
8:00 - 9:00 - Fast & Furious - w/ Todd & Kelly (*inter/adv level lindy hoppers)
8:00 - 9:00 - Beginner Swing Class - w/ RCS instructors
9:00 - 12midnight - SOCIAL DANCING BEGINS AT 9.

-Sign up in advance as an "early bird" and take any 2 classes you like and
enjoy the dance for only $20 / person a ticket (if you sign up by Dec. 16th
-Otherwise, 2 classes and the dance at the door will be $30 per person.
-Just the dance only = $12 / person or $10 (in advance - sign up online).
-One Class only = $15 / person and includes the dance
Sign up online here: (scroll down and look for the "Add to Cart"

1) RSVP to me with your name and/or names of the people who might attend.
Email me at or call me at 408-910-9203.
a) Any RSVP's I'm able to confirm as having attended (a portion of their
admission gets donated to a Homeless Outreach in the city). I have to
receive the names by December 19th, Friday night!
2) Also, if you have any coats that you would like to donate, bring them to
the door. Our goal is to collect 100 coats for the homeless (so far, we
have 60).

Questions? Email me at or
call me at 408-910-9203.

See you cool cats there and invite friends!

Friday Night Movie - Wall-E Dec. 12th

Felix Chinn :

You are invited to Movie night on Friday, December 12! We will be watching Wall-E. Show up around 6:30 for dinner. We will be watching the movie at 7:30. Bring something to share for dinner.

I have not seen it yet and I know some of you haven't either. So here is your chance to watch it on a big screen with friends.

My address is: 452 South Taaffe Street, Sunnyvale
Phone: 650-863-1632

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Friday Night Dinner - December 5th @ 7:00 P.M.

What? Christmas Party and Dinner at JoAnna's with a White Elephant Gift Exchange. You and your friends are invited!

When? Friday, December 5th @ 7:00 P.M.

Where? JoAnna Quan's
19500 Pruneridge Ave. #9302,
Cupertino, CA 95014
Hamptons at Cupertino
Take the Wolfe Rd. Exit off of 280
Corner of Wolfe Rd. & Pruneridge Ave.
Building #9, 3rd Floor (near basketball court)

Bring? A white elephant gift.
Also, if you would like: a donation for homeless ministry or JW House.
Examples of donation needs: gloves, socks large sized men's , or small toiletries for our homeless ministry. Joanna and friends will be making care package gifts for the Dec. 20th christmas outreach. Nonperishable food items for the JW House.

RSVP: JoAnna Quan
phone: 408-851-7062

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Friday Night Potluck- November 21st

What? You are invited to a potluck at Arnisha's!

When? Friday, Nov. 21 at 7:00 PM

Where? Arnisha Wurlitzer's
1046 Laguna Ave., Burlingame
CA 94010-3624

Carmelita and Sanchez are cross streets and Broadway exit off 101 is the closest exit

If you need to find extra parking areas: Caltrain Broadway station on California and Carmelita is just 2 blocks from my place.

What to Bring?
Going by Last Name:
A - F vegetables or salad
G - M bottled water or drinks
N - Q fruit or dessert
R - Z main or side dish

Questions? Send an email or call Arnisha:
(650) 269-8266

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Homeless Outreach - November 22nd

You are invited to participate in the next homeless outreach with Grant Kim. We will meet at Page Mill Road at 5:30 and together travel up to Haight Street in San Francisco.

For this outreach we'll participate in an outdoor worship event and hand out food and clothing. If you'd like to donate new socks or a sleeping bag that would be great!

What? Homeless Outreach

When? Saturday November 22nd at 5:30 pm.

Where? Meet at the commuter parking lot at the intersection of 280 and Page Mill Rd. in Palo Alto. The parking lot is right next to 280. If coming from the south, exit at Page Mill Rd. and turn left. Go under the bridge: parking lot is on your left.

We will drive as a group to Haight Street in San Francisco.

Questions: Call Grant Kim 650-520-0879.


You and your friends are invited to have dinner and play games this Saturday the 15th
(Jim O’Brien and Howard Walker)

When: Sat Nov 15 at 6 PM

Where: At Christian’s
1134 Glenn Ave.
San Jose, CA 95125

Details: For the dinner part of this activity we are asking the men to make either a salad, main dish,

an appetizer or dessert according to the first initial in your first name as listed below. The women

to bring only drinks.

Men: A-G: Salads, H-S: Main Dish, T-Z: Appetizer or Dessert

Women: Bring only drinks

We would like to have a variety of card or board games to play after dinner, so if you have a favorite

game you would like to play please bring it!

Questions? Contact either Jim or Howard:
Jim O’Brien 408 472-1201
Howard Walker 408 398-3303

Friday, November 7, 2008


What? You are invited to Felix Chin’s to watch “March of the Penguins” this Friday, November 7

When? Dinner 6:30 PM, Movie at 7:30 PM – If you feel like cooking, bring some food to share.

Where? Felix Chin’s: 452 South Taaffe Street, Sunnyvale CA

Questions? Email Felix:

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

A Day in Half Moon Bay - November 8th

Come enjoy a blissful day on the coast near Half Moon Bay on Sat., Nov. 8th! The day will begin with visiting the infamous geological Pebble Beach (not the golfing location) which is one beach south of Pescadero Beach on hwy 1.

Next, we will hike up gorgeous Montara Mountain (at least part of it anyway) and enjoy a picnic lunch overlooking one of the many breathtaking views. Then, we will eat dinner at 4:30 P.M. at the Moss Beach Distillery (seats go fast - first come, first serve), and watch the sunset.

We will eat outiside on the deck that overlooks the ocean. Blankets are available. Last, we can either hang out at the Half Moon Bay Brewing Company and listen to live music, or we might be able to play games/watch movies at a friend's house nearby.

When: Sat., Nov. 8th. Meet at 9:30 A.M. sharp!

Where: Meet at Peets Coffee on Hwy 92/Hwy 1 (the shopping center on your right at the intersection of 92 West and Hwy 1)
142 San Mateo RdHalf Moon Bay, CA 94019
(650) 726-1261

What to bring: Bag lunch, plenty of water, a back pack, layered clothing including a windbreaker, sunscreen, hiking shoes, knit hat & gloves in case it gets cold, and of course your camera.

R.S.V.P. by Wed., Nov. 5th to Sheryl Bierman email:
Cell Phone: 650-576-0997

Halloween Party 70's and 80's Night!

You & your friends are invited to witness Halloween in San Jose. Help pass out candy, have some dinner and return to the 70's and 80's at Christian’s
(Christian 408-431-4282)

When? Oct. 31st: dinner 6:15 PM

What? Dinner Party, Rainy Halloween

Where? Christian's 1134 Glenn Ave., San Jose CA – park anywhere you can

Bring? You don’t need to bring anything unless one more bite of spaghetti causes you to want to hike Mission Peak. And a sack of candy would give us two more minutes of not having tricks…

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Morning Hike - Mission Peak - Oct 25

You and your friends are invited to join us on the Mission Peak Hike this Saturday, October 25th! (Alisa D.)

WHEN? Saturday Oct. 25th

MEET: Kohl’s parking lot off Hamilton in Campbell 8:45 AM

Or meet at Starbucks on Mission Blvd. in Fremont at 9:30 AM
(The one across from Ohlone College)

DESCRIPTION: This is a Moderate to Strenuous hike taking about 1 1/2 hours to the top and about 45 minutes down. We’ll have lunch afterwards in Fremont at Mission Coffees and More. It is a great hike where you can see for miles around in all directions at the top!

Talk to Alisa on Thursday at Impact

Monday, October 20, 2008

24 Night - Friday, Oct. 24th

You & your friends are invited to dinner and to watch 24 at Christian's.
(Felix and Christian)

When? October 24th: dinner 6:15 PM; Movie 7:00 PM

What? Dinner and 24, Season 5 Disk #1

Where? Christian's 1134 Glenn Ave., San Jose CA

Bring? nothing.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Tuesday Night Dinners - October 28th @ 6:30 P.M.

Join us for dinner and fellowship on Tuesday evening, October 28th, at 6:30 P.M.

Sonoma Chicken Coop in Campbell 
200 East Campbell Ave.
Campbell, CA  95008 
(408) 866-2699
(Downtown Campbell, between Bascom and Winchester.)

Questions?  Contact Pat at:  408-221-2902

Newcomer's Breakfast - Saturday, October 18th

This month our newcomers breakfast will be at Hobees in Cupertino.  If you're new to Impact and want to learn more about us, or you're part of Impact and want to help welcome new people, please join us at 9:30 A.M. on Saturday, October 18th.  Please R.S.V.P. by 9:00 A.M. on Saturday morning to Simona Poptelecan 408.667.3331 or email

21267 Stevens Creek Blvd.
Cupertino, CA  95014

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Homeless Outreach - October 25th

You are invited to participate in the next homeless outreach with Grant Kim. We will meet at Page Mill Road at 5:30 and together travel up to Haight Street in San Francisco.

For this outreach we'll participate in an outdoor worship event and hand out food and clothing. If you'd like to donate new socks or a sleeping bag that would be great!

What? Homeless Outreach

When? Saturday October 25th at 5:30 pm.

Where? Meet at the commuter parking lot at the intersection of 280 and Page Mill Rd. in Palo Alto. The parking lot is right next to 280. If coming from the south, exit at Page Mill Rd. and turn left. Go under the bridge: parking lot is on your left.

We will drive as a group to Haight Street in San Francisco.

Questions: Call Grant Kim 650-520-0879.

SANDWICH HELP - October 25th at 2 PM
If you would like to help make sandwiches for the Homeless, come over to Christian's house at 2:00 PM.
We can then drive up to the park-n-ride (you don't have to go to help make sandwiches)

I'll have everything to make about 20 sack lunches. It isn't necessary to bring more, but if you do bring complete lunch materials: sandwich bread; sandwich filling, snack and drink. I have many many bags.

1134 Glenn Ave., San Jose CA 95125 (408) 431-4282

Sunday, September 28, 2008

CHILI FOR A CROWD at the BEACH - Oct. 4th

You and your friends are invited to our next beach bonfire! We'll have Chili, sing songs and fellowship.

Note: This trip is a GO - rain has subsided and there will be sunny skies, oh yes, there will. And! there is enough Chili to feed Aptos. See you there!

What? The beach! Dinner provided: Chili with chips, cheese, onions, sour cream…And! Soda.

Where? Seabright, to the right of Lifeguard Hut 4
(Orbital Lander 4 if you came to nerd night.)

When? Saturday, October 4th, any time after 4 PM. Dinner at 6 PM

Why? You gotta taste this chili!

Questions? Call Christian at (408) 431-4282 or email Christian:

Fleet Week Hike - October 11th

You and your friends are invited to join us for a difficult but fantastic hike from Powell street to Sausalito Saturday, October 11th right in the midst of Fleet Week: the Blue Angels and the like will be flying over head the whole way.

This 10 mile hike has steep hills, winding stairs and a good 5-6 hours of walking. We’ll go in stores, see the Emporium dome, peak into the cable-car house, get our free sample of Ghirardelli chocolate and watch cruise ships pass under our feet and jets fly over-head as we walk across the Golden Gate. Then we’ll ride a boat back to the Embarcadero for dinner in the city at Osha (amazing Thai food).

If you want to bike this instead of hike, Ambert Jue will be leading bicyclists through the city and attempt to cross paths with us during the day.

When? Saturday October 11th

Where? Meeting Places and Times:
Christian's House: (seriously) pulling out of my driveway at 8:00 AM

Driving into and out of the Page Mill Road Park-n-Ride at 8:25 AM.

Colma City Bart Station: catching 9:07AM train (free parking there)

Powell Street: 9:25 AM (Attention Fremontiers! If you're in the Fremont area, take the 8:30 AM train to arrive at the Powell Street station at 9:27 AM)

Ultimate Meeting Place: IF you're meeting us in the city, we'll be getting lunch in the Wesfield Shopping Center's food court accessible from the Powell Street Bart Station: meet outside of Bristol Farms by 10AM.

At the end of the day, we'll be leaving Sausalito: 6:30 PM to Pier 1 @7:00PM

Bring? Backpack, good walking shoes, light jacket or sweatshirt, water and $$ for Bart, Lunch and Boat.

Details: Train Ticket: $6.20 roundtrip, buy at Colma (one station south of Daily City)
Lunch: Pick up lunch around Union Square and carry with you to Russian Hill
Boat Ticket: $7.10 Purchased on Boat (Golden Gate Ferry)

Bicycling? Contact Ambert for details:

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Homeless Outreach - September 27th

You are invited to participate in the next homeless outreach with Grant Kim. We will meet at Page Mill Road at 5:30 and together travel up to Haight Street in San Francisco.

For this outreach we'll participate in an outdoor worship event and hand out food and clothing. If you'd like to donate new socks or a sleeping bag that would be great!

What? Homeless Outreach

When? Saturday September 27th at 5:30 pm.

Where? Meet at the commuter parking lot at the intersection of 280 and Page Mill Rd. in Palo Alto. The parking lot is right next to 280. If coming from the south, exit at Page Mill Rd. and turn left. Go under the bridge: parking lot is on your left.

We will drive as a group to Haight Street in San Francisco.

Questions: Call Grant Kim 650-520-0879.

Newcomer's Breakfast - September 20th!

Are you new to Impact? Would you like to find out more about Impact?

If so, please join us for our monthly Newcomer's Breakfast! Everyone is welcome to come!

WHEN? Saturday, September 20th, 9:30 A.M

WHERE? Stacks' 600 Santa Cruz Ave.,
Menlo Park, CA 94025;
Tel: 650.838.0066


You and your friends are invited to our next beach bonfire! It's never too late to go to the Beach!!!

What? The beach! Dinner provided: Chili with chips, cheese, onions, sour cream…And! Soda.

Where? Seabright, to the right of Lifeguard Hut 4
(Orbital Lander 4 if you came to nerd night.)

When? Saturday, October 4th, any time after 4 PM. Dinner at 6 PM

Why? You gotta taste this chili!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Interval Running at Rancho Monday Sept. 15th

(Jim O'Brien)

There has been interest shown in getting together for trail running at Rancho San Antonio and we would like you to join us. The run will take place on the Mondays opposite the hikes at 6:00 p.m. and we plan to continue until daylight saving time ends.

Whether you have never run before or have a lot of running experience, we hope it to be both challenging and fun for you.

We will be using an interval method. It is very simple. We will run for a period of time, then we will walk, then run again, walk, etc… Of course, if you want to run and not walk you may do so. If we have more than one pace group, we will do our best to arrive back at the parking lot at about the same time. A pace group will be two or more people running at a particular speed and interval time. The walks are always at a leisurely or normal pace and are usually for one minute. The run portion varies depending on your skill level and is normally 2 to 5 minutes. We want everyone to be running with at least one other person at their pace and interval, so that no one will ever be running alone. We will do our best to accommodate all skill levels and at the same time stick to our buddy system.
For our first trail run we will meet on Monday, September 15, and thereafter on September 29, October 13, and October 27.
I will be supplying timers for each group so that you will know when to run and when to walk.
Hope you can join us and have a great week!

Grace and peace,
Jim O'Brien

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Saturday Brunch

Saturday Brunch at Fay and Carver's

WHAT? Brother and Sister Team, Fay and Carver will be hosting a brunch, complete with bacon, waffles, eggs and more! Everyone is invited.

WHERE? Fay and Carver's place @ 1929 Crisanto Ave #1201 Mountain View 94040

WHEN? Saturday,Sept 13th at 10:30am -2:30pm

HOW? Please RSVP to by Thursday Sept. 11th. Follow the balloons!

Beach Camp Final Details

Impact Camping Trip
Manresa State Beach
September 5-7

Provided by Michelle B.
General Schedule:

Friday: 7:00- 8:00 Arrive, set up camp
8:00 – 10:00 Campfire, worship, S’mores

Saturday: 8:30 -9: 30 Breakfast
9:30 – 10:30 Campfire, worship,
10:30 – 11:30 Quiet time
11:30 - 12:00 Pack lunches
12:00- 6:00 Free time *see below for
6:00 - 7:30 Dinner
7:30 – 10:00 Beach bonfire, worship, teaching, S’mores

Sunday: 8:30 -9: 30 Breakfast
9:30 – 11:00 Campfire, worship, sharing
11:00 -12:00 Pack up

Location – Directions:

Take Highway 17 to Santa Cruz. Take the Highway 1
south towards Monterey (See driving tip *** below to avoid possible traffic).
South of Aptos, exit at San
Andreas Road and go southwest and continue for four
miles. Turn right on Sand Dollar Road. Veer left to
Manresa Uplands Campground.

We have the farthest campsites from entrance, LUPINE
#43, 44, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53

"Manresa State Campground has strict parking rules and
we are limited to 20 cars total. If you do not let
Michelle know about your driving arrangements and
bring a car that we have not accounted for, you CANNOT
leave it at the campsite."

Map to Manresa: click here

Map of Campground: click here

The first is for a different location.

Park Brochure: click here

Going from Highway 17 to Highway 1 can be very crowded sometimes (it can take up to 30 min at times ! ! ! ). If you would like to avoid this possible bottleneck, take the following detour.

Stay on 17 and go straight onto Ocean St - stay in the left lane
Turn left on Soquel Ave.
Follow Soquel (@ 2+ miles)
Pass Branciforte
Pass Parkway
Road curves @
Stay on it
Pass Capitola Rd.
Be in Rt. lane

Turn right (to be on Soquel Ave. still which is the frontage street to the HWY) otherwise if you don't you'll go over the over pass of the HWY 1 and the road name changes to Soquel Drive not Soquel Avenue -you'll miss the on ramp to go South

If you do turn RT. on Soquel Ave. then quick left onto HWY 1 South on ramp and continue South to San Andreas Rd.

What to Bring:

Camping or beach chair for camp
Tent (Contact Pat if you do not have one)
Sleeping bag
Sleeping mat/pad
Jacket (fleece & shell may be necessary)
Warm clothes for the evenings
Cool clothes for the day (it is suppose to be warm)
Quarters for the showers
Flip-flops for showers
Gear for free time: hiking, beach
Water bottle

Free time Activities:

1. Enjoying the beach at Manresa

2. Hiking at “Forest of Nisene Marks State Park”
hike 1

hike 2

3. Shopping in downtown Santa Cruz

4. Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

HALF MOON BAY HIKE - Saturday August 23rd

Butano State Park – August 23rd

What? Short hike and Lunch

Where? Pescadaro – Butano State Park for hiking, Duarte’s for Lunch!

When? August 23rd, Carpool leaves at 9 AM to get to park around 10:15 AM

Getting There: Carpool from
1.Christian’s at 9:00 AM (1134 Glenn Ave., San Jose CA 95125)
2. 9:21 AM Meet at the commuter parking lot at the intersection of 280 and Page Mill Rd. in Palo Alto. The parking lot is right next to 280. If coming from the south, exit at Page Mill Rd. and turn left. Go under the bridge: parking lot is on your left.
3. at park

Directions to Park: From CA 1 in San Mateo County, turn east onto Pescadero Road. Drive about 2.5 miles, then turn right (south) onto Cloverdale Road. Drive about 4.5 miles, and turn left into the park. Park near the entry kiosk.

More Beach Info

1. Sign Up Here
to camp with Impact at Manresa State Beach!

2. Send Michelle Brown an email regarding how you’re planning to go to the beach:
Please include the following information: IMPACT CAMPING CARPOOL
a. Do you have a ride?
b. Do you need a ride?
c. Would you like to drive?

The reason for this is that there is limited parking at the campsite, so we want to keep track of how many cars will be coming and help those who need rides to find them.

3. Let Pat know if you have any camping equipment to share: specifically ice coolers or tents. If you have any of these these items to share, please email Pat:

4. Read the motivational blurb by Virginia here

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Newcomer's Breakfast! Today August 16th!

Today at 9:30 AM you're invited to come to the first soon to be famous new-comer's breakfast. We're meeting at Hobee's in Cupertino, and whether you're new or not you are more than welcome to join us!

Where? Hobee's 21267 Steven's Creek, Cupertino 95014

When? Today August 16th at 9:30 AM

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Homeless Outreach - August 23rd

You are invited to participate in the next homeless outreach with Grant Kim. We will meet at Page Mill Road at 5:30 and together travel up to Haight Street in San Francisco.

For this outreach we'll participate in an outdoor worship event and hand out food and clothing. If you'd like to donate new socks or a sleeping bag that would be great!

What? Homeless Outreach

When? Saturday August 23rd at 5:30 pm.

Where? Meet at the commuter parking lot at the intersection of 280 and Page Mill Rd. in Palo Alto. The parking lot is right next to 280. If coming from the south, exit at Page Mill Rd. and turn left. Go under the bridge: parking lot is on your left.

We will drive as a group to Haight Street in San Francisco.

Questions: Call Grant Kim 650-520-0879.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Beach This Saturday!

Impact invites you and your friends for a beach bonfire, August 9th! We're meeting atSeabright beach after 4:00 PM to the Right of lifeguard Hut 2.

What? Beach Bonfire!

Where? Seabright: East Cliff Dr. at Seabright Ave, Santa Cruz CA

When? Saturday August 9th at 4:00 PM (come around 2 for a ride on the big dipper)

1. a dish to eat and give $5 to Alisa--she'll bring hamburgers, hotdogs and buns.

2. Warm stuff

Questions? Contact 364-9633
Roller Coaster and that spin ride thingy:Christian(408) 431-4282

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Impact Beach Camp! Sign Up Today! Sept 5-7

Sign Up to Camp with Impact at Manresa State Beach:

Impact is going CAMPING! That’s right - for this year’s trip we’ve reserved several sites at Manresa State Beach. Just south of Santa Cruz and Aptos along Highway 1, Manresa State Beach features a beautiful expanse of sea and sand, with surf fishing, surfing, and recreation.

We’ve booked the weekend of September 5 – 7, and have approximately 60 spots available. Cost for the weekend will be $45 and includes three meals on Saturday and breakfast on Sunday. We’ll also be organizing several group activities and times of sharing around the campfire that you won’t want to miss.

Shower and bathroom facilities are available on the camping grounds. A detailed list on what to bring will be available when Impact resumes in August. For now, if you have a tent, camping stove or ice chest, or are willing to drive please email Pat at Each campsite has a limit of two cars so it will be essential to organize carpools.

To sign up and secure your spot click here or visit the MPPC website at, scroll down in the middle section to “Event Registration” and select “Impact Retreat 2008” from the choices. See you at the beach!

Monday, July 28, 2008

Capitola Crazy! This Friday, August 1st

You and your friends are invited to go to Capitola this Friday night. We'll have dinner at El Toro Bravo, do a brief walk around the streets and RR trail, play some games at Mr. Toots and visit one of the beaches if it isn't too cold.

When? Leave Christian's House at 6:00 PM this Friday, August 1st

Where? Going to Capitola (Just south of Santa Cruz)

Bring? Warm stuff and a game

Christian's Address:
1134 Glenn Ave.
San Jose, CA 95125
(408) 431-4282

Impact Beach Camp! Sign Up Today! Sept 5-7

Sign Up to Camp with Impact at Manresa State Beach:

Impact is going CAMPING! That’s right - for this year’s trip we’ve reserved several sites at Manresa State Beach. Just south of Santa Cruz and Aptos along Highway 1, Manresa State Beach features a beautiful expanse of sea and sand, with surf fishing, surfing, and recreation.

We’ve booked the weekend of September 5 – 7, and have approximately 60 spots available. Cost for the weekend will be $45 and includes three meals on Saturday and breakfast on Sunday. We’ll also be organizing several group activities and times of sharing around the campfire that you won’t want to miss.

Shower and bathroom facilities are available on the camping grounds. A detailed list on what to bring will be available when Impact resumes in August. For now, if you have a tent, camping stove or ice chest, or are willing to drive please email Pat at Each campsite has a limit of two cars so it will be essential to organize carpools.

To sign up and secure your spot click here or visit the MPPC website at, scroll down in the middle section to “Event Registration” and select “Impact Retreat 2008” from the choices. See you at the beach!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Homeless Outreach - July 26th

You are invited to participate in the next homeless outreach with Grant Kim. We will meet at Page Mill Road at 5:30 and together travel up to Haight Street in San Francisco.

For this outreach we'll participate in an outdoor worship event and hand out food and clothing. If you'd like to donate new socks or a sleeping bag that would be great!

When? Saturday July 26th at 5:30 pm.

WHERE? NOTE!! Meet at the commuter parking lot at the intersection of 280 and Page Mill Rd. in Palo Alto. The parking lot is right next to 280. If coming from the south, exit at Page Mill Rd. and turn left. Go under the bridge: parking lot is on your left.

We will drive as a group to Haight Street in San Francisco.

Questions: Call Grant Kim 650-520-0879.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Seabright Beach Trip - July 4th

You and your friends are invited to come spend the afternoon and/or evening with us this July 4th at Seabright Beach in Santa Cruz. By day you can play volleyball, swim, build a sand castle, read a book, or even take a nap. After dark we'll have a bonfire, make smores, sing Kum Ba Yah, and judge if Rich's fireworks show is more impressive than the other groups on the beach. Bring warm clothes for the evening, since it will get cold!

We will be teaming up with some friends from WestGate Church in San Jose. There will be swarms of people at Seabright for this holiday Friday, so try to arrive as early as possible in the morning or afternoon to help us stake out our spot. Look for us to the right of lifeguard station #2. Pat will send out the GPS coordinates later.

If you arrive and can't find anyone, call:

* Paul @ 408-568-1217
* Christl at 650-269-3140

What to bring:
* Towel / blanket
* Sunglasses / sunblock / beach umbrella
* Swim clothes
* Your favorite beach toy(s) - Frisbee, kite, paddle ball, volleyball, soccer ball, sand castle tools
* Warm clothes (for evening) - Forecast high is 72, low is 53
* Your lunch / dinner - Walk to nearby Taqueria or bring something to throw on BBQ grill
* Snack / drink to share (optional)
* Fireworks (optional)

Google map of Seabright Beach:,+Santa+Cruz,+CA&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=58.555544,114.257813&ie=UTF8&ll=36.965358,-122.008109&spn=0.014642,0.027895&z=15

Previews of the scene at Seabright on July 4th:

Legal Disclaimer: Neither Impact nor MPPC will be held responsible for anyone spontaneously combusting or otherwise catching fire in the July 4th revelry!

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Nerd Night I! Tuesday July 1st

You and your friends are invited to...

NERD NIGHT I! Just come as you are! We'll provide standard nerd food, watch episodes 3&4 of BSG season III, and if anyone is able to do small signal analysis of a capacitively coupled amplifier or effectively use the word tachyon in a sentence, we'll watch one episode of Dr. Who!

When? Tuesday, July 1st @ 6:30PM

Where? Christian's House: 1134 Glenn Ave., San Jose CA 95125
(408) 431-4282

Bring? A light jacket in case we have to watch it outside, a chess set and if possible a belt sander.

See you soon!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Saturday Brunch June 28th

You are invited to have brunch at Fay's THIS SATURDAY!

WHAT? Brother and Sister Team, Fay and Carver will be hosting a brunch, complete with bacon, waffles, eggs and more! Everyone is invited.

WHERE? Fay and Carver's place @ 1929 Crisanto Ave #1201 Mountain View 94040

WHEN? Saturday, June 28th at 10:30am

HOW? Please RSVP to by Thursday evening

Fay's cell number (650) 868-4482
Please note that Fay and Carver's apartment is toward the back of the complex.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Women's Nights, July 17 & 31

WHAT? All the women of Impact are invited for fellowship and dinner at Lisa C's. Please bring $5 for helping with dinner.

WHERE? Lisa Cochrum's house: 7166 Rainbow Dr., San Jose (near Cupertino)

Address not available on Mapquest, pick up a map at Impact

WHEN? July 17 & 31 at 6:30 PM

HOW? Please RSVP by the Tuesday before each night: (408)255-5450

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Homeless Outreach - Saturday June 21st

You are invited to participate in the next homeless outreach with Grant Kim.

When? Saturday June 21st at 5:30 pm.

WHERE? NOTE!! Meet at the commuter parking lot at the intersection of 280 and Page Mill Rd. in Palo Alto. The parking lot is right next to 280. If coming from the south, exit at Page Mill Rd. and turn left. Go under the bridge: parking lot is on your left.

We will drive as a group to Haight Street in San Francisco.

Questions: Call Grant Kim 650-520-0879.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Dinner and Movie Night: "Prince Caspian" June 6th

You and your friends are invited to join us for a movie this Friday!
(Lisa C.)

Dinner (Red Robin) and a movie (Prince Caspian) in the El Paseo Shopping Center

5:45 Dinner Red Robin (across parking lot from Saratoga 14)
7:20 Movie- Prince Caspian


AMC Saratoga 14700 El Paseo De Saratoga
San Jose, CA 95130
(408) 871-2262

Corner Saratoga & Campbell Avenues - El Paseo Shopping

It shouldn't be too crowded since it has been out forseveral weeks. I am just going to get my ticket before dinner. People can also go to ""

Lisa's cell phone: 408-781-5624
Please let me know if you are coming to dinner so I can make a reservation.

Impact Photo Safari - June 28th

Impact Photo Safari - Kurt K.

Enjoy photography? Willing to work setting up a great shot? Willing to leave the trail/get more than a 100 yds from the car/put your camera at risk? Kurt Konegen is getting a small group together for a day trip to Point Reyes on the 28th of June to do some fun (and occasionally great) outdoor photography. Last trip involved tule elk, fallow deer, all sorts of birds, a very camera shy bobcat, some unusual scenic shots, and a mind-blowing sunset.

Itinerary will be flexible, depend a great deal on the weather and will probably change a few times though the course of the day. That being said, it will be a full day meeting in Burlingame at ~7:30, brown-bag lunch on the trail or beach, dinner in Inverness or Olema, and staying in the park until after sunset getting back to the Peninsula late (after 10:30). Options involve a half-day of kayaking (depending on availability of boats in Inverness), hiking along the Inverness ridge, exploring beaches, and tidepooling. If we are very, VERY, lucky, there may be some stargazing. A small dinner party will be held two or three weeks afterwards to review pictures and exchange electronic copies depending on the participants' schedules.

As a word of caution, the day will be long and will involve a lot of walking and/or kayaking. You don't need to be in great shape, but you will be moving most of the day once we get to the park with only a few short car trips from one location to the next. In order to keep the group managable and small enough to get within a 1000 yards of wildlife, the trip will be limited to three cars (12 people or less). Finally, for all you folks who refuse to give up film (represent!), you will be responsible for your own processing costs.

Contact Kurt directly at

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Bunco III - Mixed Doubles Tennis - May 31

Join us for Bunco III. This will be our third ever Bunco mixed doubles tennis event. These are tons of fun for anyone at any skill level of tennis. So come out and invite your friends! The emphasis is more on fun than competition, but we will have a playoffs for top finishers.

Date: Sat, May 31st
Time: 8:45am - 12:15pm
Place: Sunnyvale Tennis Center (aka "Las Palmas")
755 S. Mathilda Ave., Sunnyvale
Cost: $15.00
Call: Paul Baty @ 408-568-1217

Entry fee includes a continental breakfast, water, balls, and prizes* for top and bottom finishers.

Space is limited to exactly 12 guys and 12 gals. Secure your spot by sending payment asap. A waiting list will be started once spots have filled up. You may make check out to "Paul Baty" and send to 517 Hope Ter. #1, Sunnyvale CA 94087.

If you haven't played Bunco before, it's a fun, social mixer, *parlor* game. ( But we all know there's only so much fun one could have off the tennis court. So we're combining the mixer element of Bunco with the sheer thrill of knocking the fuzz off those pesky yellow balls. This event will be "mixed doubles" so games will be played by pairing up one guy and one girl for each team. Following the Bunco format, teams will constantly change. Bottom line is you will have fun and get to mix it up on the tennis courts with lots of friendly partners and menacing opponents.

* In the spirit of encouraging recreational players to come out, USTA 3.5+ players are also encouraged to join in but are not eligible for the playoffs / prizes. Ask Paul if you are not sure you fall into this category.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The Famous City Hike - May 31

You and your friends are invited to join us for a grueling but ludicrously wonderful hike from Powell street to Sausalito THIS Saturday, May 31st.

This is a fantastic hike from Powell Street to Sausalito. The 10 mile hike has steep hills, winding stairs and a good 5-6 hours of walking. We’ll go in stores, see the Emporium dome, peak into the cable-car house, get our free sample of Ghirardelli chocolate and watch cruise ships pass under our feet as we walk across the Golden Gate. Then we’ll ride a boat back to the Embarcadero for dinner in the city.

When? Saturday May 31st, 2008

Where? Meeting Places and Times:
Christian's House: (seriously) pulling out of my driveway at 8:00 AM

Driving into and out of the Woodside Park-n-Ride at 8:25 AM.

Colma City Bart Station: catching 9:07AM train (free parking there)

Powell Street: 9:25 AM (Attention Fremontiers! If you're in the Fremont area, take the 8:30 AM train to arrive at the Powell Street station at 9:27 AM)

Ultimate Meeting Place: IF you're meeting us in the city, we'll be getting lunch in the Wesfield Shopping Center's food court accessible from the Powell Street Bart Station: meet outside of Bristol Farms by 10AM.

At the end of the day, we'll be leaving Sausalito: 6:30 PM to Pier 1 @7:00PM

Bring? Backpack, good walking shoes, light jacket or sweatshirt, water and $$ for Bart, Lunch and Boat.

Details: Train Ticket: $6.20 roundtrip, buy at Colma (one station south of Daily City)
Lunch: Pick up lunch around Union Square and carry with you to Russian Hill
Boat Ticket: $7.10 Purchased on Boat (Golden Gate Ferry)

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Friday Dinner and Movie- May 23rd

You are invited to join us for dinner and the new Indiana Jones movie this Friday, May 23rd. Buy tickets on line (right now, at this very second) for the following movie theater at the following time if you'd like to join us!

What? Dinner: Red Robin (just across the parking lot from the theater)

Movie: Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull 7:30 PM

When? Friday, May 23 Dinner at 6:00 PM

What you must do: Get a ticket.

Ticket Options:
Get your tickets ahead of time at "", or email Lisa C. before Tuesday at 4:00 PM and she'll pick you up a ticket. You may pay her back on Thursday or Friday

Ticket Details (Be sure to get the right theater!)
AMC Saratoga 14
Address: 700 El Paseo De Saratoga San Jose, CA 95130(408) 871-2262

Corner Saratoga & Campbell Avenues - El Paseo Shopping Center

E-mail Lisa Cochrum so she can make dinner reservations:

*There will be a special surprise for everyone who is willing to dress as an Indy character!!!

Beach Bon Fire! May 24th

You and your friends are invited for a beach bon-fire on May 24th! We'll have some beach games, hot-dogs and soda (provided), a bon-fire and singing.

What? Bon-Fire at Seabright in Santa Cruz

When? Saturday, May 24th, any time between 4:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Where? Seabright beach in Santa Cruz

Bring? Summer clothes, Winter clothes, a blanket and a story.

Directions to Seabright:

Take 17 South to Ocean Street until it ends at E Cliff Dr.
Left on E Cliff Dr.
Stay on E Cliff Dr. or follow the road as it turns into Eaton
Right on Seabright and park near the beach entrance.
We'll be just to the right of the #2 Life-Guard hut.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Homeless Outreach - Saturday May 17th

You are invited to participate in the next homeless outreach with Grant Kim.

When? Saturday May 17th at 5:00 pm.

Where? Meet at 700 Santa Cruz parking lot. We will then carpool up to San Francisco.

What to Bring? Warm clothes, Cold clothes, comfortable walking shoes.

Optional: You are invited to bring sack lunches to give away at this event, but please come even if you don't have time to make lunches.

Suggested contents:
Soda or Juice Box
Apple or Orange

Castle Rock Hike, This Saturday May 10th

You and your friends are invited to go on a hike this Saturday, May 10th. We will hike Castle Rock in the Santa Cruz Mountains. First we'll meet at Starbucks on Big Basin Rd. (Saratoga Ave.) in downtown Saratoga 14410 Big Basin Rd. (Hwy 9) and head up from there. I'll be at Starbucks early at about 9:30 AM, then we head up at 10AM sharp to Castle Rock's trail head. After the hike, we'll head out for lunch.

What? Hike Castle Rock in the Santa Cruz Mountians.

Where? Meet at Starbucks, 14410 Big Basin Rd. (HWY 9)

When? 10AM Sharp, we leave Starbucks (be there at 9:30 to join me for coffee)

What to bring? Walking shoes, backpack, water, $6 for parking and lunch money

Difficulty? This hike is of moderate difficulty but easier and cooler than Henry Coe, with about 1000 feet in elevation change The hike will be close to the one described here:


Call Christian at (408) 431-4282

Map to 14410 Starbucks:
Take Highway 85 to Saratoga Ave.

Head West towards Saratoga

The road changes names to Big Basin Way just after

the Sunnyvale-Saratoga intersection. Find Starbucks there.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Impact's Compassion Weekend Project - April 25th

Announcing Impact's Compassion Weekend Project! Sign up Today!

You are invited to take part in the official Impact project assembling AIDS kits for Compassion Weekend. These kits will be distributed by World Vision to caregivers in Africa and the Caribbean. The best way to register is online by scrolling down to the "Healthcare" section of this page:

WHAT? Compassion Weekend Project - assembling AIDS kits

WHEN? On Friday, April 25th at 7:30 PM

WHERE? MPPC Menlo Park: This project will be held at three separate locations, but we'll be participating at MPPC Menlo Park.

KAYAK TRIP - May 3rd

You are invited to join Impact for a spectacular Kayaking trip down in Monterey, followed by a quaint dinner at Rosine's on Alvarado. The experience you'll have is immeasurable. If you want to go, the deadline to sign up is THIS FRIDAY, April 18th.

WHAT? Monterey Bay Kayak trip and dinner

WHEN? Saturday, May 3rd - Leaving around 10:30AM for afternoon kayaking & dinner

WHERE? We'll carpool down to Monterey from a location to be determined

HOW? To sign-up,
1. E-mail Lori Ronning & let her know if you want a single Kayak or adouble (share) by Friday April 18th

2. Give Lori a check for $25.00 (reduced from $30) payable to Lisa Cochrum (not Lori).

Monday, April 7, 2008

HENRY COE HIKE, Saturday the 12th

What? Wild flower hike & Picnic - Henry Coe State Park. We’ll hike to see the amazing wildflowers painting the hillsides & have a Picnic Lunch (the famous Laurel Buchanan Sandwiches). Plan on a good part of Saturday being taken: we'll have dinner/hang out at the Jelly Belly outlet and try Lisa's amazing restaurant.

Where? Henry Coe State Park (Down near Morgan Hill/Gilroy)

When? This Saturday, April 12th
Carpool leaving at 9:37AM From Christian's house

Then we’ll drive to Henry Coe where we'll arrive at some random time. I'm going to confirm that there aren't thousands of little rivers running through the place I want to start, but most likely they will, so we'll probably start hiking from the Henry Coe Headquarters.

What to Bring? This Saturday will be HOT. And Henry Coe is drenched in sun! So bring plenty to drink and some friends. Picnic lunch will be provided.

Sandwich Maker Help Requested – Are you one whose eyes open as soon as the sun pops up? At 8:30 AM I will start making some sandwiches to take on the picnic. This is your chance to learn the famous Laurel Buchanan Sandwich.

Questions? Call Christian: (408) 431-4282

Directions to Christian's House:

1134 Glenn Ave., San Jose, CA
(408) 431-4282

280 South to Meridian South (first ramp)

Left on Willow (3rd light)
Right on Glenn (one street past Cherry—if you get to Lincoln, you’ve gone too far)
I’m the fifth house on the left 1134 Glenn Ave

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

MONDAY NIGHT Hikes - April 21st

MONDAY NIGHT Hike at Rancho San Antonio, Cupertino at 5:30 pm, Monday April 21st.

Meet us at the lower parking lot, close to the public restrooms (sorry no cell reception at the park!) Rain will cancel this event.

Impact Hike Mondays at 5:30pm. Timing will change in May.

Hike after work 5:30pm in Cupertino. It’s at the Rancho San Antonio park :

It’ll be a few miles long, nothing treacherous, and we’ll be back by dusk. Be at least a few minutes early – parking can sometimes be a bit tight in there. Carpooling is recommended.

Meet Pat by the BATHROOMS parking lot at the trailhead and parking lot. We are working on this as a REGULAR EVENT! Look for more emails!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Tuesday Night Dinners - April 15th

April 15th - Sonoma Chicken Coop
(Pat in the Hat)

Hey folks, Hoping you can make it out to our "Tuesday Night Dinners". This event will be a regular one, twice a month, as a fellowship night. This event does not intend to be exclusive, so please invite friends. It is intended to bring Christian people together in our approximate age range and build on the fellowship we have. Most of us have been associated with Impact / Sanctuary.

We'll be at the quite casual and very schmaltzy Harry's Hofbrau is schmaltzy! We can stay for hours, playing games like "4 on the Couch", "Egyptian Rat game" or other board games. I know the staff there and they won't kick us out. We can also go to other places later on, but for now I want to keep it very regular, in the same places. There is a tremendous amount of us down in this south bay area.

Tuesday April 15th at 6:30 pm.
Sonoma Chicken Coop, Campbell

Where is Sonoma Chicken Coop? Campbell 200 E. Campbell Avenue Campbell, CA 95008 408 866-2699downtown Campbell, between Bascom and Winchester

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Edwin and Christian's Famous Bulgogi Night

You and your friends are invited to Edwin and Christian's famous bulgogi night THIS SATURDAY!!! Just bring yourselves and a friend, and we'll feed you the best Korean BBQ you've ever had! We'll have games, fellowship and celebration of Easter.

When? This Saturday, March 22nd around 5:30 PM

Where? Christian's House

Directions to Christian’s house:

1134 Glenn Ave., San Jose, CA
(408) 431-4282

280 South to Meridian South (first ramp)

Left on Willow (3rd light)
Right on Glenn (one street past Cherry—if you get to Lincoln, you’ve gone too far)
I’m the fifth house on the left 1134 Glenn Ave.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Tuesday Night Dinners - March 18th

Tuesday March 18th - Sonoma Chicken Coop
(Pat in the Hat)

Hey folks, Hoping you can make it out to our "Tuesday Night Dinners". This event will be a regular one, twice a month, as a fellowship night. This event does not intend to be exclusive, so please invite friends. It is intended to bring Christian people together in our approximate age range and build on the fellowship we have. Most of us have been associated with Impact / Sanctuary.

We'll be at the quite casual and very schmaltzy Harry's Hofbrau is schmaltzy! We can stay for hours, playing games like "4 on the Couch", "Egyptian Rat game" or other board games. I know the staff there and they won't kick us out. We can also go to other places later on, but for now I want to keep it very regular, in the same places. There is a tremendous amount of us down in this south bay area.

Tuesday March 18th at 6:30 pm.
Sonoma Chicken Coop, Campbell

Where is Sonoma Chicken Coop?
Campbell 200 E. Campbell Avenue
Campbell, CA 95008
408 866-2699

downtown Campbell, between Bascom and Winchester

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Mt. Tam Hike, This Saturday March 8th

You and your friends are invited to hike Mt. Tam this Saturday, March 8th. You may carpool from the Southbay at 9:15AM (leaving 9:30AM sharp) or meet up at Stinson beach around 10:30 AM. This moderate hike makes a 7.3 mile loop with about a 1600 foot elevation change

What: Mt. Tam Hike Matt-Davis steep Ravine loop 4-5 hours

When: This Satuday March 8th 9:15AM for carpooling or 10:30AM at Stinson Beach (North of SF)

Where? Meet at the Woodside Park-n-Ride off of 280 (leaving at 9:30 sharp) or 10:30AM at Stinson beach.

Bring: Water, Rain Coat, Walking shoes, light jacket, water and a backpack.

Questions? Contact Christian (408) 431-4282
Directions to the carpool Park-n-Ride:
280 North from San Jose Take Woodside Rd Exit - turn Left The Park-n-Ride is on your left just after you go under the overpass

Directions to the Trail Head: From US 101 in Marin County, exit CA 1/Mill Valley/Stinson Beach and drive on Shoreline Highway to the junction with Almonte, about 1 mile. Turn left, remaining on Shoreline, and drive about 2.5 miles to the junction with Panoramic Highway. Turn right on Panoramic and drive about 1 mile to the junction with Muir Woods Road; stay straight on Panoramic (right lane). Continue about 7.5 miles (past Pantoll) to the junction with Highway 1, just before the town of Stinson Beach. Turn right, drive about 0.2 mile, then turn right (at the fire station) onto Belvedere Avenue. Look for parking on the left side of the road before the "do not enter/wrong way" signs. (copied from )

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Tuesday Night Dinners - March 4th

Tuesday March 4th - Harry's Hofbrau
(Pat in the Hat)

Hey folks, Hoping you can make it out to our "Tuesday Night Dinners". This event will be a regular one, twice a month, as a fellowship night. This event does not intend to be exclusive, so please invite friends. It is intended to bring Christian people together in our approximate age range and build on the fellowship we have. Most of us have been associated with Impact / Sanctuary.

We'll be at the quite casual and very schmaltzy Harry's Hofbrau is schmaltzy! We can stay for hours, playing games like "4 on the Couch", "Egyptian Rat game" or other board games. I know the staff there and they won't kick us out. We can also go to other places later on, but for now I want to keep it very regular, in the same places. There is a tremendous amount of us down in this south bay area.

Tuesday March 4th at 6:30 pm.
Harry's Hofbrau, San Jose

Where is Harry's Hofbrau?
390 Saratoga Avenue
San Jose, CA 95129
408 243 0434.
Saratoga Ave and 280

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Castle Rock Heavy Mist Hike, This Saturday

You and your friends are invited to go on a hike this Saturday, February 23. We will hike Castle Rock in the Santa Cruz Mountains. First we'll meet at Starbucks on Big Basin Rd. (Saratoga Ave.) in downtown Saratoga 14410 Big Basin Rd. (Hwy 9) and head up from there. I'll be at Starbucks early at about 9:30 AM, then we head up at 10AM sharp to Castle Rock's trail head. After the hike, we'll head out for lunch.

What? Hike in a heavy mist: Castle Rock in the Santa Cruz Mountians.

Where? Meet at Starbucks, 14410 Big Basin Rd. (HWY 9)

When? 10AM Sharp, we leave Starbucks (be there at 9:30 to join me for coffee)

What to bring? Change of Clothes; A rain coat, shoes you don't mind getting muddy, backpack, water, $6 for parking and lunch money :)

Difficulty? This hike is of moderate difficulty slightly more difficult that the one last Saturday, with about 1000 feet in elevation change The hike will be close to the one described here:


Call Christian at (408) 431-4282

Map to 14410 Starbucks:
Take Highway 85 to Saratoga Ave.

Head West towards Saratoga

The road changes names to Big Basin Way just after

the Sunnyvale-Saratoga intersection. Find Starbucks there.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Monday, February 4, 2008

Rancho Hike - February 9th

You and your friends are invited to join me this Saturday for a hike at Rancho San Antonio - Wildcat Canyon Trail, 7.5 miles (just over three hours). We'll have fellowship and witness God's amazing creation coming alive around us after all this crazy rain. After the hike we'll go for lunch.

What? Morning Hike and Lunch - Rancho San Antonio

When? This Saturday, February 9th at 9:00 AM

What to Bring? Backpack, water, comfortable hiking shoes, a light jacket over a short-sleeved T-Shirt, snack and lunch money :)

Meet: 9:15 AM at the first UPPER PARKING AREA where they fly R/C Airplanes. We'll start hiking from there at 9:30 AM.

Questions? Call Christian at (408) 431-4282
or email

280 North from San Jose
Left on Foothill Expressway (going away from Los Altos)
Right on Cristo Rey Drive
Left into Rancho San Antonio's entrance, making an immediate right and parking in upper lot to on the first left.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Tuesday Night Dinners - Feburary 5th

Tuesday Feburary 5th - Harry's Hofbrau (Pat in the Hat)

Hey folks, Hoping you can make it out to our "Tuesday Night Dinners". This event will be a regular one, twice a month, as a fellowship night. This event does not intend to be exclusive, so please invite friends. It is intended to bring Christian people together in our approximate age range and build on the fellowship we have. Most of us have been associated with Impact / Sanctuary.

We'll be at the quite casual and very schmaltzy Harry's Hofbrau is schmaltzy! We can stay for hours, playing games like "4 on the Couch", "Egyptian Rat game" or other board games. I know the staff there and they won't kick us out. We can also go to other places later on, but for now I want to keep it very regular, in the same places. There is a tremendous amount of us down in this south bay area.

Tuesday February 5 at 6:30 pm.
Harry's Hofbrau, San Jose

Where is Harry's Hofbrau?
390 Saratoga Avenue
San Jose, CA 95129
408 243 0434.
Saratoga Ave and 280

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Skyline Hike and Picnic - Saturday January 26th

You and your friends are invited join me for a hike and picnic up in Skyline forest on Saturday the 26th. This is an absolutely gorgeous hike where you'll see giant Redwoods reaching to the sky, quaint trails twisting around cliffs and a simply amazing sandstone formation you have to see to believe. I'll do the hike unless it absolutely poors rain.

What: 6.2 Mile hike and picnic hike is moderate hike; 800-1000 foot elevation change. Windy road to trail-head.

When: Saturday Jan. 26th – 9:30 AM

WHERE: We'll meet at 9:30AM at the Woodside Park-n-Ride (to make sandwiches) leave there at 10AM to head up to the trail head parking lot just beyond Skeggs Point parking lot on Skyline by 10:30 AM. (tricky to find, so carpool from the park-n-ride) Skeggs Point is on Skyline between Kings Mountain Rd. and 85)

Bring: Sack Lunch, Rain Coat, Walking shoes, light jacket, water and a backpack.

Questions? Contact Christian (408) 431-4282

Directions to the Park-n-Ride:

280 North from San Jose Take Woodside Rd Exit - turn Left The Park-n-Ride is on your left just after you go under the overpass

Tuesday Night Dinners - February 5th

Tuesday Feburary 5th - Harry's Hofbrau
(Pat in the Hat)

Hey folks,
Hoping you can make it out to our "Tuesday Night Dinners". This event will be a regular one, twice a month, as a fellowship night. This event does not intend to be exclusive, so please invite friends. It is intended to bring Christian people together in our approximate age range and build on the fellowship we have. Most of us have been associated with Impact / Sanctuary.

We'll be at the quite casual and very schmaltzy Harry's Hofbrau is schmaltzy! We can stay for hours, playing games like "4 on the Couch", "Egyptian Rat game" or other board games. I know the staff there and they won't kick us out. We can also go to other places later on, but for now I want to keep it very regular, in the same places. There is a tremendous amount of us down in this south bay area.

Tuesday February 5 at 6:30 pm. Harry's Hofbrau, San Jose

Where is Harry's Hofbrau?
390 Saratoga Avenue
San Jose, CA 95129
408 243 0434.
Saratoga Ave and 280