Friday, November 28, 2008

Dancing in December - Dec. 20th

KC Lim and Michelle Brown:

Ready to Dance?!

Help out a good cause and celebrate the holidays with a foot stomping, toe
tapping, fun night of swing dancing and music at:

THE RHYTHM LOUNGE - A Jumpin' and Jivin' Swing Dance Party
LOCATION: The Imperial Ballroom at 822 Cassia Street, Redwood City, CA (a
few blocks from the restaurants and theatres of downtown).

DRESS: Feel free to dress to impress (a fancy prize to the person who comes
looking the sharpest!)

WHEN: Saturday, December 20th, starting at 7PM.

There are classes before the dance, or just come straight to the dance.
7:00 - 8:00 - Beginner/Intermediate - Classic Lindy Moves You Really Should Know
7:00 - 8:00 - Intermediate Balboa - w/ Todd & Kelly
8:00 - 9:00 - Fast & Furious - w/ Todd & Kelly (*inter/adv level lindy hoppers)
8:00 - 9:00 - Beginner Swing Class - w/ RCS instructors
9:00 - 12midnight - SOCIAL DANCING BEGINS AT 9.

-Sign up in advance as an "early bird" and take any 2 classes you like and
enjoy the dance for only $20 / person a ticket (if you sign up by Dec. 16th
-Otherwise, 2 classes and the dance at the door will be $30 per person.
-Just the dance only = $12 / person or $10 (in advance - sign up online).
-One Class only = $15 / person and includes the dance
Sign up online here: (scroll down and look for the "Add to Cart"

1) RSVP to me with your name and/or names of the people who might attend.
Email me at or call me at 408-910-9203.
a) Any RSVP's I'm able to confirm as having attended (a portion of their
admission gets donated to a Homeless Outreach in the city). I have to
receive the names by December 19th, Friday night!
2) Also, if you have any coats that you would like to donate, bring them to
the door. Our goal is to collect 100 coats for the homeless (so far, we
have 60).

Questions? Email me at or
call me at 408-910-9203.

See you cool cats there and invite friends!

Friday Night Movie - Wall-E Dec. 12th

Felix Chinn :

You are invited to Movie night on Friday, December 12! We will be watching Wall-E. Show up around 6:30 for dinner. We will be watching the movie at 7:30. Bring something to share for dinner.

I have not seen it yet and I know some of you haven't either. So here is your chance to watch it on a big screen with friends.

My address is: 452 South Taaffe Street, Sunnyvale
Phone: 650-863-1632

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Friday Night Dinner - December 5th @ 7:00 P.M.

What? Christmas Party and Dinner at JoAnna's with a White Elephant Gift Exchange. You and your friends are invited!

When? Friday, December 5th @ 7:00 P.M.

Where? JoAnna Quan's
19500 Pruneridge Ave. #9302,
Cupertino, CA 95014
Hamptons at Cupertino
Take the Wolfe Rd. Exit off of 280
Corner of Wolfe Rd. & Pruneridge Ave.
Building #9, 3rd Floor (near basketball court)

Bring? A white elephant gift.
Also, if you would like: a donation for homeless ministry or JW House.
Examples of donation needs: gloves, socks large sized men's , or small toiletries for our homeless ministry. Joanna and friends will be making care package gifts for the Dec. 20th christmas outreach. Nonperishable food items for the JW House.

RSVP: JoAnna Quan
phone: 408-851-7062

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Friday Night Potluck- November 21st

What? You are invited to a potluck at Arnisha's!

When? Friday, Nov. 21 at 7:00 PM

Where? Arnisha Wurlitzer's
1046 Laguna Ave., Burlingame
CA 94010-3624

Carmelita and Sanchez are cross streets and Broadway exit off 101 is the closest exit

If you need to find extra parking areas: Caltrain Broadway station on California and Carmelita is just 2 blocks from my place.

What to Bring?
Going by Last Name:
A - F vegetables or salad
G - M bottled water or drinks
N - Q fruit or dessert
R - Z main or side dish

Questions? Send an email or call Arnisha:
(650) 269-8266

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Homeless Outreach - November 22nd

You are invited to participate in the next homeless outreach with Grant Kim. We will meet at Page Mill Road at 5:30 and together travel up to Haight Street in San Francisco.

For this outreach we'll participate in an outdoor worship event and hand out food and clothing. If you'd like to donate new socks or a sleeping bag that would be great!

What? Homeless Outreach

When? Saturday November 22nd at 5:30 pm.

Where? Meet at the commuter parking lot at the intersection of 280 and Page Mill Rd. in Palo Alto. The parking lot is right next to 280. If coming from the south, exit at Page Mill Rd. and turn left. Go under the bridge: parking lot is on your left.

We will drive as a group to Haight Street in San Francisco.

Questions: Call Grant Kim 650-520-0879.


You and your friends are invited to have dinner and play games this Saturday the 15th
(Jim O’Brien and Howard Walker)

When: Sat Nov 15 at 6 PM

Where: At Christian’s
1134 Glenn Ave.
San Jose, CA 95125

Details: For the dinner part of this activity we are asking the men to make either a salad, main dish,

an appetizer or dessert according to the first initial in your first name as listed below. The women

to bring only drinks.

Men: A-G: Salads, H-S: Main Dish, T-Z: Appetizer or Dessert

Women: Bring only drinks

We would like to have a variety of card or board games to play after dinner, so if you have a favorite

game you would like to play please bring it!

Questions? Contact either Jim or Howard:
Jim O’Brien 408 472-1201
Howard Walker 408 398-3303

Friday, November 7, 2008


What? You are invited to Felix Chin’s to watch “March of the Penguins” this Friday, November 7

When? Dinner 6:30 PM, Movie at 7:30 PM – If you feel like cooking, bring some food to share.

Where? Felix Chin’s: 452 South Taaffe Street, Sunnyvale CA

Questions? Email Felix: