Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Carmel Beach Bonfire - Saturday July 9th

You and your friends are invited to a Carmel Beach Bonfire THIS SATURDAY! We'll go down after lunch and have afternoon tea and scones at the Tuck Box,walk around Carmel for a while and go down to the beach and have a classic bon fire with beans and hotdogs. Have a light lunch on your own!

Where? Meet at Kohl's Parking lot @12:15: 525 E Hamilton. We'll carpool from there! Tuck Box at 2:00 PM. If you would like to meet us at the beach, we'll be south of 10th Street on the Carmel Beach, just look for us any time after 6.

Tuck Box address: Dolores Street & 7th Ave, Carmel, CA 93923 (note Carmel does not have numerical addresses for their buildings, everything is just named. So just wander down Dolores between Ocean Ave. and 7th and you'll see it!)
When? Saturday July 9th: Leaving the parking lot at 12:15 PM!

We'll leave the beach at 9:30 PM and head home.

Bring? Warm Clothes! A beach blanket or chairs, $5 to help for dinner cost. (There will be hot dogs, beans, chips and drinks provided.)

Call Christian at (408) 416-1802