Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Serving Opportunity: Hotel de Zink

Serve our homeless guests while they are with us at MPPC during the month of November. This is a wonderful serving opportunity for individuals, families, and small groups!

Hotel de Zink is a homeless shelter program run by InnVision. Named after a Palo Alto police officer who opened up the police station on cold, rainy nights during the Great Depression to let people come in and sleep, it rotates between 12 area churches, each housing 12-17 people for one month.

Location: MPPC's Glenwood Building


1) Saturday, November 27: Bring -- Drop off bagged lunches

Drop off 15 bagged lunches at Glenwood for our homeless guests between 7:30-9 p.m. the night before.

2) Saturday, November 27: Bring -- Drop off breakfast

Drop off breakfast items at Glenwood for our 15 homeless guests between 7:30-9 p.m. the night before.

3) Saturday, November 27: Serve breakfast (5 spots)

6:00 am to 7:00 am - Arrive at Glenwood by 6 a.m. to serve breakfast to our homeless guests. You will also be handing out bagged lunches for the guests to take with them for the day.

4) Saturday, November 27: Bring dinner, serve it, and hang out (4-10 people)

7:00 pm to 9:30 pm - make dinner for our 15 homeless guests, serve it, and eat/hang out with them for a couple of hours.

Contact Sara McMinn (408) 656-2508, or

In addition to the sign-up options available below which are almost full, we're also accepting donations for our homeless guests. You can drop off these items any evening in November at the Glenwood building between 7:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. (no sign-up necessary):

New or lightly used: Sleeping bags, duffle bags and pillow cases

New: Pillows, socks, underwear and travel-size toiletries